The Community Builder Award

Andrew Jones

Andrew Jones grew up in a home where giving back to the community was expected, so when he was first approached to join the board of Hopewell and he himself was looking for a grassroots organization where his experience in advocacy and not-for-profit would be an asset, there was a good fit.  Andrew has served on the board of Hopewell from 2015 to 2021, with almost four of those years as Volunteer President of the Board.  During that time, Andrew has shown incredible leadership as the organization has weathered financial insecurity, undergone changes in staff, completed a strategic advisory review and introduced a major annual fundraiser in Breaking Bread, Breaking Stigma. As he retires from the board of Hopewell, we are pleased to honour Andrew with the “Community Builder” Award, recognizing his skill at making connections and mobilizing others in the community to support those living with eating disorders.

What inspires you to contribute or work with Hopewell and our cause of eating disorders?
I was intrigued about engaging with a cause with which I had no personal or family-lived experience.  Upon learning of the deep challenges facing the eating disorders community I became a passionate advocate for the cause and made a personal commitment to attempt to make Hopewell a sustainable and even stronger organization that can continue to advocate on behalf of the eating disorders community and provide support through quality programming for those living with eating disorders.  The ongoing passion and the strength of the Hopewell founders -  Joanne Curran, Lucyna Neville, Shelley Shusterman and my board colleague for a number of years Nerys Perry, inspired me to do whatever I could to support the organization.

What changes do you hope to see or help make in our community? 
I believe there continues to be a tremendous unmet need for Hopewell programming throughout Eastern Ontario.  I take great pride in being a small part of the team that established the delivery of the Celebrate Everybody program to schools in our region.  I'm a HUGE believer in the power of prevention and would love to see the continued growth of the program so that all children in Eastern Ontario can benefit from this wonderful prevention education program.  It's also no secret that Hopewell faced a troubling financial crisis during my time on the board, and without the benefit of a substantial reserve that was created by the prudent management of past boards we would not have been able to 'weather the storm' and rebuild Hopewell's programming and finances.  I'd love to see this board formalize a commitment to rebuilding a healthy reserve while continuing to deliver, and to continue to grow programming.


The Community Connector Award - Michelle Neville