We do not offer treatment. Hopewell offers services that work alongside treatment. For treatment options, visit our treatment provider page, here.
Referrals from a doctor/mental health care provider are not required. Sign up for our programs on our website when registration is open.
Please visit our Programs Offered page to join our mailing list for Support Groups and to see the programs we offer
We do not offer any services for youth, programs are 17+
Hopewell is located at 404 McArthur Avenue in Ottawa, ON.
The focus of our services is in Eastern Ontario however, virtual services extend across Ontario.
Programs are run seasonally, other than our mentoring program.
Under our Programs tab, you can view the current programming available for this season
Programs offered vary from season to season. If you check under our Programs tab, you can see the programs offered for this season.
The best way to stay informed is to join our mailing list to be notified when schedules are made/registration opens for groups.
You can join the Support Group mailing list on our Programs Offered page.
Due to the high demand for our groups and the limited number of spaces, we only allow individuals to participate in one peer support group at a time to ensure there is availability and opportunity for others who are seeking support. You may still register for an Arts Program or our Bridging the Gap mentoring program if you are in a peer support group.
As of May 1st, 2023, all of our programming, including support groups and art therapy for eating disorder recovery, will be available to Indigenous, First Nations, and Métis participants at no cost. We understand the importance of breaking barriers; this is the first step amount many to build a more equitable future for all.
Email us with your questions at info@hopewell.ca
Frequently Asked Questions