Make a Donation
We need your help to continue to provide support and services
Hopewell does not receive ongoing funding of any kind. You can help us reach out to people in our community, who need support, by making a donation. Those in Eastern Ontario struggling with eating disorders, their families, and friends will benefit greatly from your support.
Your direct donations, online donations, United Way designation, and Hopewell Design donations make it possible for us to continue offering our programs and services, which the community has come to depend on.
You can also check out our Hopewell Market page to see some of Hopewell’s products for sale and community projects whose donations go directly back to Hopewell’s Programs!
Canada Helps
You will receive an instant tax receipt from Canada Helps and they will notify us of your donation.
This is a secure and safe way to support Hopewell’s programs using your VISA or Mastercard. Please consider making a regular monthly donation. Canada Helps makes it easy – sign up only once.
*Please note: there is a 3.9% admin fee charged to Hopewell when you donate through Canada Helps.
United Way
Designate Hopewell as your United Way donation recipient for the Government of Canada Workplace Charitable Campaign.
Fill in our name and charitable registration number (88008 3522 RR0001). The United Way will acknowledge your donation and provide you with a tax receipt.
Hopewell does not receive any donor information, so if you choose to support us in this way, please let us know, so we can thank you personally.
Hopewell Market
The Hopewell Market features items from local artists and crafters with full proceeds from the Cards for all occasions, Flutter of Hope and Planters going towards running our support groups, mentorship programs and outreach programs.
For other market items, a portion goes to support our programming and the local artists to continue their work in the art community in the Ottawa Gatineau region.