Hopewell Eating Disorder Support Centre
Together we can break the stigma of eating disorders
Hopewell Eating Disorder Support Centre provides support groups and art therapy programs to those in the National Capital Region and the extended Eastern Ontario Region. We offer seasonal programming intended to compliment formal treatment to those affected by eating disorders and disordered eating. We engage in preemptive practices by helping people understand eating disorders and the importance of healthy attitudes toward body image, eating, and physical activity. We aim to create inclusive spaces for those of all religions, gender, bodies, and ethnicities to have access to our services. Our programs are open to anyone 17+.
Who do we serve?
We do not provide treatment.
We provide support supplementary to outside treatment; to see a list of treatment providers in the National Capital Region, click here.
Located in Ottawa, Ontario, we are dedicated to supporting those in the Eastern Ontario region and those across Ontario, including but not limited to:
Frontenac, Lennox, & Addington
Hastings & Prince Edward County
Larnark, Leeds, & Grenville
National Capital region
Prescott & Russell
Pembroke & Petawawa
Smiths Falls
Stormont, Dundas & Genglarry
Thunder Bay
What’s new at Hopewell?
Our values
To celebrate and promote acceptance of all shapes and sizes
To respect all individuals, no matter their size, and encourage a balanced lifestyle
Everyone should have access to compassionate support and resources when dealing with mental health issues
To empower individuals so that they have the skills and information needed to make informed choices about their treatment
Everyone who is affected by an eating disorder should know that recovery is possible, and that supportive families are an important resource for recovery